10 Things I Learned About Life From Body Combat
1. A good friend is like a good sports bra – provides ample support when needed,
will hold you up and will always stay in place through all the kicks and punches.
2. It can become demanding; grueling even, and quite intense. You just have to
inhale, hold your breath, grin and bear it, while never ever forgetting to breathe
and…slowly exhale.
3. Harness your own strength and believe that you can punch that hard, kick that
high – just about anything.
4. Unleash that angst. Release all that pent up energy. Sometimes you need to scream
and let it all out. Sssssshhhhhhhhooouuuuuuuuuttttttt!!! Ya, baby, these are the
things we're talking about.
5. When trying something (or someone!) new, always give yourself time to warm up to
it before dismissing it; then give it everything you’ve got.
6. Look both ways before you kick or jump. You have to make sure that your actions won’t
injure anybody.
7. You can be sweaty, with stray hairs plastered around your forehead and neck, your face
devoid of the prettifications that you usually wouldn’t go out in public without AND
still feel beautiful. It’s really all about how you feel about yourself.
8. Love your body. Take care of it. Embrace it and its perceived imperfections. Marvel at
what it can do. As the saying goes, it is the most incredible invention you will ever
own in this lifetime (well, the greatest invention for me will always be Kiddo, but I don’t
exactly own her.)
9. Believe in your own positive force. It is the secret to self-confidence and an honest,
yet humble acknowledgement of your own self-worth.
10. You body is power; your mind is focus. With the two in harmony, you don’t have to be
afraid of losing yourself in your zone. It is the key to achieving your goals – even
if it is to burn 600 calories in a just hour.
Always remember to cool down, stretch and give thanks for the natural high that working out gives you.
Go and live like a kick ass chick…because you are.