Commercial: Kiddo Says the Darnedest Things, Reel 1
Drama Queen Mom: Time for bed, Kiddo. Let's say our prayers before going to sleep. Papa Jesus, Mama Mary, please bless...
Kiddo: Please bwess Mommy, Daddy, and...and... (looks up at Drama Queen Mom)
Drama Queen Mom: Who else do you want Papa Jesus and Mama Mary to bless?
Kiddo (tapping her forehead with her index finger): Uuuhh...Think, think, think...uhh...Darf Vader!
Drama Queen Mom: Huh? You want God to bless Darth Vader?!
Kiddo: Yes. Kasi ako si Obi Wan, diba?
Drama Queen Mom: Eh, who's Mommy?
Kiddo (tapping head with index finger again): Uhhh...uuuhh...YODA!